A Sampling of Equivalent Activities Options


Max. Contact Hours



College coursework


Official transcripts

Must be taken through an accredited college or other approved post secondary educational institution.

Must be taken for credit with a grade of “C” or better, a “P” in pass/fail course.

Coursework must be in education or in a content area directly related to the individual’s teaching assignment or working with students.

Professional conference/workshop/institute/academy or inservice


activity documentation voucher

Time is calculated based on participation in professional development activities only; time spent for lunch, breaks etc. can not be included in CEU calculation

Professional presentation

60 Contact Hours per cycle

activity documentation log

Applies to first presentation for each license cycle

Curriculum development

60 Contact Hours per cycle

activity documentation log and copy of curriculum approval

Must be service on formal committee organized by local, state, national or international education agency or organization

Professional committees

30 Contact Hours per cycle

activity documentation log

Must be service on formal committee organized by local, state, national, or international education agency or organization

Must contribute to the education profession or add to the body of knowledge in the individuals specific field.

Documented clock hours of committee work.

National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification

90 Contact Hours per license cycle for candidate completing process but not getting the NBPTS Certificate

Valid copy of certificate or activity documentation log for candidate not completing certificate.

Must be in the subject area of the individual’s assignment.

Certificate must be completed or participation as candidate must be verified by the expiration date on the Ohio license.


30 Contact Hours per license cycle

activity documentation log

Must be mentoring of teacher, administrator, or specialist by the Entry Year Program

Cooperating Teacher

15 Contact Hours per semester

10 Contact Hours per quarter

Max = 30 Contact Hours per license cycle

activity documentation log

successful completion of contract

Must be supervisor of undergraduate student, graduate student or undergraduate intern, or student teacher

Teaching a college course/ adult vocational or technical course

1 credit = 15 clock hours

2 credit = 30 hrs.

3 credit = 45 hrs.

Max = 60 Contact Hours per year

activity documentation log

course syllabus

Must be used for the first time teaching the course each license cycle

Publication of original work

60 Contact Hours per license cycle for book.

30 Contact Hours for article in a professional journal or magazine.

Copy of publication or documentation and activity documentation log

Must contribute to the education profession or add to the body of knowledge in the individual’s specific field.

Must be a commercially published book or article.